The Importance of Body Lines in Cheerleading



Why do some stunts look so clean in the air, while other stunts are shaky and look hard to perform? The answer to this question has to do with vertical lines in the bases and top girl’s bodies. Athletes that stunt with non vertical lines in their arms, chests, and legs are less likely to look clean in their stunts. This is because their muscles are doing the work rather than their bones.


 -         Moving limbs changes the center of gravity and base of support.

 -         When gravity’s pull is somewhere other than the base of support, muscles strain.



 -When a top girl is out of line it changes her center of gravity.

 -This makes her unstable in the air because her muscles are straining to balance

 -When gravity is pulling a top girl a direction other than straight down it can cause stunts that move, or fall.

 -Every movement changes the center of gravity so it is important that the top girl is still in the air 



 -When a base’s body isn’t vertically aligned, gravity pulls on it in different places causing muscle strain.

 -When a base’s body is vertically aligned, bones rather muscles hold the weight, making the stunt easier and more solid. 


Stunting with vertical lines is an easy way to improve stunting without needing anymore physical ability. Practicing good habits in basic stunts can lead to faster and safer progression and cleaner skills. Athletes will put less strain on their body and will be less fatigued performing skills. 


 The authors



- former High School Cheerleader

-former University of Missouri Cheerleader

-UCA staff and Head instructor 7 years

-10 years experience coaching at the High School, College, and Competitive level of Cheerleading