Tips For Successfully Using Your Core



Tips For Successfully Using Your Core


“Core Strength” is a phrase you have mostlikely heard in your tumbling, class, cheer class, or dance class. It refers to the strength in your stomach and back muscles, and their ability to maintain the stablility and balance in your body. By strengthening your core, you can improve your balance, establish a strong center, and become a more successful dancer and cheerleader! Take a look at these tips that will help you engage your core strength and improve your skills!


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1.    Find your core structure and engage your abdomen muscles. Think of your core as your belly button to spine, rib-cage down to your tailbone. To engage the muscles in your core, tighten your upper abdominals and lift your lower abdominals.


2.    Find correct body alignment vertically (standing) and horizontally (laying down). You want your head and neck to be in line with your shoulders. You also want your pelvis to be in line with your feet. To help with your horizontal body alignment you can do conditioning for your abdomen muscles. Some conditioning skills you can try are crunches, sit ups, and yoga/pilates-based exercises to strengthen your core. For correct vertical body alignment for dancers, practice balancing in releveto test your core strength and consistency! First try on both legs, and then try just one. For cheerleaders, hit a high-v and stand on one leg while the other leg is bent in a liberty position. Have somebody test your balance by leaning your body forward, backward, and side to side. Make sure you keep your core engaged so you don’t break your body line no matter how far they lean you!


Successfully engaging your core strength will help not only with your tumbling and stunting skills as a cheerleader, but will help with your leaps and turns skills as a dancer!




Author, Rebecca Virgadamo has been on UCA Staff for 9 years. She has taught cheerleading camps all over the country as well as internationally. She has performed with UCA  in Las Vegas and New York City. She also cheered at Sacramento State for 4 years and was captain for one year. Rebecca is very happy to be in China to share her cheerleading knowledge with the kids in China!




Varsity Cheerleading Academy






Address: Zhuguang Newtown International Center Block A, 4th Floor

Tianhe District Guangzhou City.

(Metro Line 5 Tancun Station, Exit D, next to Zhujiang Park)

Tel: 020-37031336
